Week 10

Today was kind of a boring class if I am being completely honest. We began the class talking about the enclypedia, seemingly everyone had one in the class had them at one point in their lives except me I really did not even know what they were until a teacher talked about them in like middle school. I like the idea that its important to know that things only get better as people use them, that the easier access we have to information the better it gets over time.

We also ventured into talking about the four freedoms, I could describe them right now within this blog but I do not think thats necessary at this time. Next point of discussion was copy right which I also touched on in my previous blog, today we used the example that the only reason we know about socrates is because of plato being that the right of copy right did not exist. While we are talking about copy right and different types of disseminating information I would just like to say I love wikipedia and if it ever goes away I may cry.

Moving into the idea of crowd sourcing and wikipedia, I died laughing when we looked at the attack on the Paul Revere page and how it changed 1000+ times by trolls. I do think the idea of crowdsourcing is true because if you ask 500 people to write about something, you may have a few incorrect answers skewed by bias or misinformation but then you will also have hundreds of correct versions of said information which in the end is more helpful then not.

One last note, briefly before class ended we discussed this idea of how tech innovations radically altered peoples senses of space and time, like the fact that the dead can speak and the sound of space is known and can be heard by us today, here. OKAY, gross the Bell experiment with the ear freaked me out and I did not think people would ever actually think of that as an idea to help create the idea of sound and all of that. I thought discussing the process of how they better managed sound through the creation of music halls, and recording studios, with the curtains, rugs, and sheets involved.


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